University classroom in Istockalypse, Japan

by prideandhistory_admin February 21st, 2022

Classroom with multiple students sitting at long tables in wood-backed chairs. The walls in the classroom are white, and the ceiling has multiple cylinder lights. There are two sets of windows on the far right side of the classroom. A male professor stands in front of the classroom and writes on a dark green chalkboard with a piece of chalk, and the students appear to be in their teens and 20s. A white line is drawn through the top portion of the chalkboard. Two white loudspeakers hang from the ceiling on the right and left sides of the room.






アジア最後のフロンティア 北朝鮮の今後の動向を予測する上で、東南アジアにあるミャンマーは一つのポイントです。ミャンマーはアジア最…

by 西 鋭夫 November 8th, 2021


水面下でのつながり 中国が北朝鮮の核実験に対して、断固反対すると声明を出しました。しかし、中国の習近平政権と、北朝鮮の金正恩政権…

ミサイル / 中国 / 北朝鮮 / 核実験 / 米国

by 西 鋭夫 November 1st, 2021